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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

poo poo parachute

So, are the profits made by Tampax considered blood money?

What happens if I set a humidifier and a de-humidifier in a room together, do they fight?

Can't decide what to get my parents for x-mas. They're so old I know whatever I give them is going to come back to me in a few years.

Whatever your disease or affliction, I'M AWARE!

spider crotch,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

true story...plus more

So when I worked for dish network you would see all kinds of crazy shit. People smoking joints right in front of you, houses so nasty they smelled like hot trash with pepper on it. But the craziest shit I ever saw was this apt I went into. The customer opened the door, a guy, and the apt was set up so when you opened the door you could see all the way to the back patio. So in the living room was this life size naked mannequin, a male mannequin, that was laying in the middle of the floor, with both arms out to it's side, knees up, and flowers covering the crotch. I had to step over this mannequin to get to the back patio.  The customer felt no explanation was needed for this item in his livingroom, and to be honest I felt like if I did ask his buddy was probably waiting in the closet to jump out at me or some shit like that upon asking what it was about. I left the apt and laughed about it for years afterwards.


As I was about to leave the customer asked me if I had any sausage seasoning in my van. I of course thought this was odd so I responded with a handful of rabbit semen that my dog had threw up earlier and placed it on the train of rabid midgets that since had been parading around the room. After we completed a set of rocket powered artificial insemination we both screamed slug fingers at the passing north american snowroach.

much like a retarded girl with really nice tits, you are a WASTE!!!

poo poo,


Today's motivational saying: Do not hump the bees.

Monday, October 25, 2010

marketing genius

So I'm in the grocery store today and I see multiple items with the label "NOW BETTER TASTING".  So, let me see, the shit that you were giving us before tasted like shit, you knew it tasted like shit, but you still sold it. So now for some reason in your divine benevolence you have deemed us worthy of the good shit. I mean, is that what people learn when they go to college and study marketing? I am still incredulous as to the thought process that went down. the conversation must have gone like this:

Head Honcho Guy: "So, we make food products, have done so for 40 years, sales are down, we need a new idea to increase revenue."

Marketing Guy: "I got it, we call everything better tasting."

Head Honcho Guy: "I love it."

While I was in Alaska the weather people used to predict that the high temperature would be be between 30 and 45 degrees. That's a 15 degree difference! WTF! They went to college for that! Shit I could predict that for free if I had a 15 degree window to operate in.


So when I was a kid I used to worry about sleeping next to the window because someone might throw a brick through the window and boom, there I am. I was like, 5 or 6 at the time.

I don't believe in goblins or ghosts or monsters in the closet or shit like that, I know nothing is coming to get me from the dark, but I am 30 years old and I still cannot sleep if any part of my body is hanging off the bed.

So every woman I've ever been involved with does the same thing: Are you hungry? Do you want to go here? The thing is that they want to do those things but by asking if you want to do it then it becomes your idea.

Chicks dig two things: scars and stuffed animals.

When trees pee, everyone calls it "sap"

did you know...

here are some interesting nature facts

global warming is actually caused by spider flatulence

Rabid infants cause more flooding than rain does

Squirrels and zebras are natural enemies. Don't believe me? Ever seen them together in the wild? Didn't think so.

If killer bees (africanized honey bees) are chasing you, pinching their little bee noses will prevent them from stinging. The problem is no one ever tries it.

Deer enjoy being hunted. Thats why they keep going places where hunters are.

Fish don't have eyelids but they do have socks.



Sunday, October 24, 2010

snow roaches

The booty patch is in control, I say again, the booty patch is in control.

I never had a car seat growing up, I only had my mother's right hand.

Saw a guy on a bike the other day, and he was laying down pedaling. Not handicapped, just, a regular bike, prone. Is this how lazy we've become? We can't even sit up to ride a damn bike?


My dream job is to be the guy who comes up with street names. You can come up with the most goofy, off the wall names for streets and they will print it without question.

Death is not a fucking symptom of heart problems Mr. radio commercial guy. Just saying.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

constipated square-dancing

I wonder what that would be like? People dancing when they have to poo but can't. Or maybe they would like it because it would loosen up some stuff in there. i think I'll make that a porn idea. Try this one in the video store "CONSTIPATED SQUARE-DANCING AMPUTEE MIDGETS 5".  You see, with such a title people with think there have been four other volumes, and look for them. A few mentions here and there to keep the myth alive about the other four and the 5th copy will sell like naked snowroaches. BOOM! Million dollar idea right there. Watching Macgyver as I type this. Yes I'm old enough to remember when it came on tv originally. What if Macgyver had gone into porn? He would start out as a pizza guy with no pants, and end up making a dildo and a french tickler out of saran wrap and carpet padding. That gives ME and idea. HONEY! I was kidding of course. My woman is into hitting me with a garden hose while I watch dukes of hazzard and spitting on my forehead and throwing mice into a bowl of jello with grass clippings sprinkled generously about my ears while the dog eats cap'n crunch from my batman jar, BUT, she's not into anything that kinky.

So I hear on the radio that there is an Ethiopian restaurant hear in Yoo-ston. (or Houston to be technical). I'm serious. An Ethiopian reastaurant. Not only do they now have enough food apparently , they have enough to export.  And what would that dining experience be like exactly? Does the waiter set you down in  a box of sand and put flies on your face? You get to watch people in blue helmets pass out food and Sally Struthers cries in front of a camera on your behalf?

You ever try to impress the animals while having sex? You know what I mean, you are engaged to booty wooty and there are animals present, you lokk around and they are either watching you or ignoring you, but either way you try to impress them, you know? Not like American Psycho shit but I mean like, you kinda have an audiance and as such you try to do shit a little extra since they're watching you.


So then I think to myself, mayonaise pallet on steroids lobster crotch so my dog had decided that instead of shitting on the carpet, because he knows not to do that, he will shit in the cat's litter box. Cute huh?

If I were to become a D.J. I would name myself "D.J. Constipate"

How do porcupines mate anyway?



taunt the dots

Actually that should be, "PLEASE REFRAIN FROM TAUNTING THE DOTS" as they are very sensitive and cannot truly be toyed with in the sense that most things can. I mean you can yell at the pop-tarts and nothing bad with happen. They will get upset and probably take it out on their little pop-tart children but, what are ya gonna do?

               This is an example of how this blog will be. Random thoughts, making no sense, not correlated with the title in any noticeable way, just my ideas in one place. As I said in my "about me" spiel, I am generally working toward being a stand up comic in the future. Not the future like, tomorrow I will pee but the future like, AFTER I pee tomorrow. In the mean time I decided the best way the release my ideas is with a blog and put all my thoughts out there, while remaining quasi-anonymonymos. I say that because my peeps will know about this site and such. By that I mean my friends and family not the little marshmallow candies that are pink and yellow (or yella as I say in person). Sooooo, If you wish to take a break from reality and listen to the ramblings of a homeless person with a home then visit me here, read my jizz, and think about who takes blind people clothes shopping. I mean seriously, who goes to like, palais royal or dilards or sears or whatever and says "this is a blue collared shirt" how do they know it's blue and not stripped? What if they were born blind and have no concept of color? Just like that dave chappelle skit where the guy was a white supremacist and didn't know he was black because no one had told him. How do blind people know if they even like a certain color? Did they dress like dumbasses in the 70's too? And do blind people have mirrors in their house? I mean like for decoration and shit. For that matter, do blind people decorate their house? Does the painter come in and open paint cans and say "this is blue I'm putting on this wall". How do they know? I had a thought the other day about blind people. If you go see a movie you tell people, "I just saw ______, and it was great". So what do blind people say? " Hey I just heard _____ and it sounded like a good movie". Do blind people buy blu-ray players? The ultimate question I have occurred to me while at an ATM the other night. Why is there Braille at the drive up ATM? Braille is those little bumps you feal when you press buttons on normal ATMs and you see it on elevators sometimes. But why on a drive up ATM? Why are blind people driving, and why do they need money? It even has a spot for headphones. Headphones if you CAN'T SEE AT A DRIVEUP ATM! Again, question 1. why are blind people driving  2. why do they knead money. suck my toast.   So that is what's going on in my head. I'm not sharing this blog with my peeps until I get some more blogs written, so any feedback is appreciated. Well, I take that back, not ANY feedback like, I've got this rash on my crotch and so on. That kind of feedback I really don't knead. But about this blog specifically, that would be appreciated.


thank you for flying crazy bat shit airlines